Members of the press and public are welcome to attend the public part of the meeting in person. However, please do not attend if you have tested positive or have any symptoms of coronavirus.
The Audit
Committee meets 4 times each year. Political balance rules and
regulations apply.
The Audit
Committee is a key component of the Authority’s governance
framework. The Audit Committee’s purpose is to provide those
responsible for governance with independent assurance on the
adequacy of the risk management framework, annual governance
processes and the internal control environment.
The core
functions are to:
the effectiveness of the Authority’s risk management
arrangements, the control environment and associated anti-fraud and
anti-corruption arrangements;
assurances that action is being taken on risk related issues
identified by auditors and inspectors;
satisfied that the Authority’s assurances statements properly
reflect the risk environment and identify the proportionate actions
required to improve it;
(but not direct) internal audit’s strategy plan;
the Annual Accounts (noting that the Resources Committee will also
monitor the financial position throughout each financial year,
including the year-end out-turn position);
progress against the Internal Audit Plan;
the annual report of the Head of Internal Audit;
the reports of external audit and inspection agencies;
amendments to Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and The Scheme
of Delegation
assimilation and response to appropriate Government Consultation
documents on behalf of the Authority affecting fire and rescue
authorities generally, from Central Government, LGA, NFCC or any
other source.
Committee will have decision making powers in relation to the above
areas. In exceptional circumstances the Committee may refer issues
to the Authority for a decision.
Any items
referred to the Committee by the Authority or Strategy Group who
will indicate if a decision or recommendation is required,
including any transitional matter referred to it for a