Agenda item

An item of business may only be considered under this heading where, by reason of special circumstances to be recorded in the Minutes, the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion that the item should be considered as a matter of urgency.  Wherever possible, the Clerk should be given advance warning of any Member’s intention to raise a matter under this heading.


Mr Nolan, Clerk and Monitoring Officer apologised for the late urgent business item that brought to the Authority’s attention the commencement of a consultation process on 27 November 2017 which was initiated by the Minister for Policing and the Fire Service. 


The Government consultation sought to vary combination schemes of Combined Fire and Rescue Authorities to enable the application of the ‘representation model’ (referred to in the Policing and Crime Act 2017); this would enable Combined Fire and Rescue Authorities to appoint Police and Crime Commissioners to be represented with voting rights, where the Authority had agreed.


The consultation was due to end on 15 January 2018.  The Police and Crime Commissioner would only be appointed to the Authority with voting rights in response to a request by the Commissioner.  If such a request was made the Authority must: i) consider the request; ii) give reasons for its decision to agree or refuse the request; and iii) publish those reasons in a manner it considered appropriate. The substantive question was whether the Fire Authority agreed with the proposal to amend the combination scheme to enable the implementation of the representation model. 


Members discussed the proposal and different views were expressed.  Some Members were concerned that the Government’s intention to enable further integration allowed for the potential takeover by the Police and Crime Commissioner when the Authority, which was a democratic body, was already working well for the benefit of the people of Lancashire.  Concern was also expressed that this would enable the Police and Crime Commissioner to have a vote which would affect the political balance of the Authority.


Conversely, some Members thought it would be a positive opportunity for the Police and Crime Commissioner to attend Authority meetings to gain a better understanding of the work of the Fire Authority and evidence the level of collaboration particularly for the Inspection next year.


The Chief Fire Officer confirmed that benefits for the community of collaboration between Lancashire Police and LFRS included: Gaining Entry, Missing Persons and use of the Drone.  He confirmed that a Memorandum of Understanding between both organisations was currently being drafted and meetings between senior officers and senior managers to look for opportunities for synergy had already taken place.


CC Howarth MOVED the recommendation as outlined in the report; to respond to the consultation with a “yes”- to agree with the proposed amendments to vary the combination schemes of Fire and Rescue Authorities in order to implement the ‘representation model’ which was SECONDED by CC De Molfetta.


A recorded vote was requested by CC Wilkins and the names of Members who voted for or against the motion are set out below:


For (15)

L Beavers, I Brown, S Clarke, D Coleman, F De Molfetta, N Hennessy, S Holgate, D Howarth, F Jackson, M Khan, Z Khan, T Martin, M Parkinson, D Smith and M Tomlinson.


Against (6)

P Britcliffe, J Eaton, A Kay, D O’Toole, G Wilkins and T Williams.


No Members abstained.


The motion was therefore CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the Authority authorised the Clerk and Monitoring Officer to respond to the consultation with a “yes” to agree with the proposed amendments to vary the combination schemes of Fire and Rescue Authorities in order to implement the ‘representation model’.

Supporting documents: