Agenda item


The report highlighted action taken in respect of corporate risk since the last Audit Committee meeting. 


The latest review of the corporate risk register had identified 3 new risks which warranted inclusion on the corporate risk register: -


Risk number 21 was concerned with risk of rapid external fire spread in high rise premises resulting in a major incident. 

The Director of Corporate Services advised that all high rise residential premises had been audited, in conjunction with relevant Local Authority. Only one building had been found with ACM cladding panel.  This was on a 6-storey section of building (top section), which was being managed locally to limit the risk this presented.  An on-going risk based inspection plan had been agreed based on an order of priority as detailed in the report.  A number of community reassurance visits had been undertaken and a temporary amendment had been made to the pre?determined attendance to high rise to include an Ariel Ladder Platform. 


Risk number 22 was concerned with the failure to maximise collaborative opportunities presented by Policing and Crime Act. 

It was noted that there were well-developed relationships with Lancashire Constabulary and North West Ambulance Service with regular meetings held to discuss issues and opportunities. Collaboration was already taking place i.e. Emergency Medical Response, Gaining Entry, Missing Persons, Air Support (Drone) and Site Sharing etc.


Risk number 23 was concerned with a lack of leadership capacity impacting on delivery of services. 

It was noted that the Workforce Plan had been agreed and implemented; this identified our challenges and workforce profile. The Recruitment Policy was in place; this reviewed the success of recruitment campaigns against the knowledge and skills gap. 


In addition there were a number of systems in place: appraisal, leadership development programmes, coaching and mentoring.  Action Learning Sets had been introduced and Leadership Conferences had been delivered in April 2017 with a second planned for October 2017.  A Promotion Board was also in place with clear development and promotion pathways established for operational staff.


An updated corporate risk register was considered by Members.  Of the existing risks 1 had been reviewed:-


Operational staff do not have the required skills to operate safely at an incident with the potential to result in firefighter injuries or fatalities

It was noted that recruitment of wholetime and RDS staff was underway against national standards.  Initial and continuation training was based on National Occupational Standards, National Occupational Guidance and Training Specifications.  Role competencies had been identified and recorded with appropriate re-training frequencies identified.  Refresher training had been commissioned, devised and delivered to cover a wide range of skills.  An operational assurance policy was in place through a dedicated team that continually assessed operational readiness.  Such learning resulted in a range of actions and thus constant evolution / improvement in safety and effectiveness.  Given the level of work involved it was proposed the risk be increased to 9.


In addition, the Director of Corporate Services advised that the previously discharged risk of ‘insufficient staffing resources due to industrial action to deal with operational demand and fulfil statutory responsibilities’ was being monitored; should the need to put this risk onto the register arise, agreement would be sought with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee.


RESOLVED: - That the Audit Committee noted the actions taken and endorsed the revised corporate risk register.

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