Agenda item

Standing item.


The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and invited the Chief Fire Officer to give an update on the current commercial building fire in Lancaster.


Major Fire Incident in Lancaster

The Chief Fire Officer advised that two weeks ago (Sunday 3 December 2023) ten fire engines from Lancashire and Cumbria were called to a derelict commercial building fire at the former SupaSkips site on Port Royal Avenue, Lancaster.  The fire was deep-seated in 13,000 tonnes of compacted waste and was taking time and resources to extinguish.  The Service had been on the site every day working with national and local partners.  Lancaster City Council had provided funding to clear the site which was now expected to be before Christmas.


Gas Explosion in Blackburn

The Chief Fire Officer advised that LFRS had attended a gas explosion on London Road, Blackburn the previous evening.  The drone and Service dog were used to assist in the rescue of a casualty from the collapsed building.


Demonstration of Hagglund Vehicle

The Chair invited Members to a demonstration of the Hagglund Vehicle on the rise of the meeting.  He advised that the all-terrain Hagglund vehicle made it easier to access rural areas during extreme weather events.  The Hagglund had now been converted for flood response and would be better able to support the communities in Lancashire.


Staff News

The Chief Fire Officer advised that the Service had recently celebrated the dedication and talent of over fifty staff who were honoured with long service, good conduct awards, commendations, Star Awards and for academic accomplishments.  He also congratulated winners and those shortlisted in the Asian Fire Service Association and the Excellence in Fire and Emergency Awards.


The Clerk to the Authority and Monitoring Officer advised the Authority that this would be the last meeting for the Principal Member Services Officer who would be leaving the Service early in the New Year.  The Chairman and Leader of the opposition thanked Mrs Brooks for her dedication and reliability over the many years she had been in the role.


Presentation by Fire Cadets, Isaac Kelly and Kit Nicholls

The Assistant Chief Fire Officer was pleased to introduce Fire Cadets Isaac Kelly and Kit Nicholls who had attended the meeting to present to Members their experiences and inform of the benefits of the Fire Cadets programme from their personal perspective and for the Service.


Members applauded the presentations given.  County Councillor Shedwick was pleased there was progression from the Skills for Justice in Fire and Rescue Service Qualification onto a college public sector course.


Following a question from County Councillor Hennessy, both cadets confirmed that they had appreciated the opportunity to talk to Members.  County Councillor Hennessy added that Isaac and Kit were a credit to themselves, their families, the Service and the Authority and she was pleased that they felt trusted representatives of the Service in the community. 


In response to a further question from County Councillor Hennessy the Assistant Chief Fire Officer confirmed that recommendations from the cadets

had been discussed with cadet leaders and the management team and would be taken forward as appropriate. 


On behalf of the Authority the Chair wished Isaac and Kit every success in their future careers.