Agenda item


The concept of Member Champions was introduced in December 2007.  A review of the areas of focus for Member Champions was considered at the Authority meeting held in June 2017 where new areas of responsibility were agreed.  The current Member Champions and their areas of responsibility were:


·         Community Safety – Councillor Jean Rigby

·         Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Councillor Zamir Khan;

·         Health and Wellbeing – County Councillor Andrea Kay;

·         Road Safety – Councillor Ron Woollam.


Reports relating to the activity of the Member Champions were provided on a regular basis to the Authority.  This report related to activity for the period up to June 2022.  During this period all had undertaken their respective role in accordance with the defined terms of reference.


Member Champions presented their sections of the report for noting. 


County Councillor Woollam highlighted the positive impact of social media on the take up of the biker down course, adding a request to use social media more broadly and with support from Members of the Authority to promote this excellent work.


County Councillor Kay added to her report that the Service wellness events calendar had recently included a loneliness week social quiz which she had attended and enjoyed.  She advised that monthly events were well planned and Members would be welcome to attend. 


The Assistant Chief Fire Officer advised that County Councillor Kay had mentioned at the previous meeting the work she was doing work in Wyre with local schools in relation to climate change which could potentially assist the Service shape thinking in how it responded to climate change in future years.  Having attended an event co?ordinated with the Station Manager at Fleetwood Fire Station, County Councillor Kay had invited pupils from Cardinal Allen Catholic High School, Fleetwood to give a short presentation to the Authority.


Verity Gray, Archie Horabin, Ava Jones and Daniel Lowe presented their energy saving thoughts for the future which included: better insulation in all public buildings; better public transport systems; the planting of more trees in parks; grants for land owners; campaigns on busses; switching lights off; insulation in houses; encouragement of the bee population and a big wind turbine on the school field.


The Authority thanked and applauded the pupils for their presentation.


In response to a question raised by County Councillor Hennessy on what district councillors could do to assist schools to promote the issues of climate change, Ava Gray responded that of benefit would be more press coverage on what’s happening locally and the encouragement of people to use the ideas listed in their daily lives.  County Councillor Hennessy therefore asked that the PowerPoint presentation be sent to Members in a format that could be used on social media for Members to promote more widely.


County Councillor Kay thanked Mr Harding, Community Co-ordinator and the pupils for attending given the school had closed and some roads were closed due to flooding in Fleetwood that morning. 


RESOLVED: - That the Authority noted the report and acknowledged the work of the respective Champions.

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