Agenda item


The Director of Corporate Services presented to Members the Property Asset Management Plan which adopted a document framework that comprised a suite of four documents:


1.    Property Policy Framework;

2.    Asset Management Plan Progress Report;

3.    Property Performance Report, and;

4.    A 5 year Action Plan.


Property Policy Framework

This section looked across the whole portfolio and set out how that portfolio would be used in furtherance of the Service's strategic aims.  The Authority's property assets had a book value of over £85m and comprised of the following assets:


·        Service Headquarters;

·        Service Training Centre;

·        39 Stations:

o   7 Wholetime (including 2 with a retained appliance as well);

o   17 Retained;

o   4 Day Crew (including 2 with a retained appliance as well);

o   11 Day Crew Plus (including 8 with a retained appliance as well);

·        Urban Search and Rescue;

·        1 lease granted to Prince’s Trust.


The Authority's vision for property assets had 6 key elements:


1.    Maintained in a good state of repair;

2.    Fit for purpose;

3.    Future proof;

4.    Environmentally sustainable;

5.    Efficient in cost and use, and;

6.    Inclusive and accessible.


These key elements were used to assess the assets to determine what, if any investment was required and where this would be prioritised.


Asset Management Plan Progress Report

This set out the progress that had been made by the Service in improving the assets in use, towards an overall asset vision and how the Service was improving the alignment of the property portfolio with Service delivery needs.


Considerable improvement in the asset base had been made since 2006/07, with the Service how only having 2 assets that were classed as in poor condition and as being unsuitable:-


·                     Service Headquarters and;

·                     Preston Fire Station.


Property Performance Report

This set out how the performance of the property assets had been measured to date and the general direction and areas of performance that needed to be adopted going forward if the 5-year Action Plan was to be delivered.  It was anticipated that this Property Performance Report would be revised and refreshed each year.


5-Year Action Plan

The Director of Corporate Services highlighted key areas identified for property investment (as detailed on pages 196 and 197 of the agenda pack).  Members considered an analysis of where the gaps were and an Action Plan against which progress could be measured. 

The main action plan items were:-


·        Construction of Service Training Centre Workshop/Breathing Apparatus School;

·        Enhance welfare/sleeping facilities;

·        Re-provision of Service Headquarters, which was subject to the outcome of a business case; this would be presented as a summary report to the next Strategy Group which would now be scheduled for the end of November;

·        Re-provision of Preston Fire Station, which was subject to the outcome of a business case; and

·        Continue to review opportunities for site sharing.


The Director of Corporate Services stated that the Authority’s asset base was in a good position due to the investments made over the last 10-15 years. The challenge for the Authority was the balance between the affordability of property investments given the capital funding available and the potential need to borrow.


Should further capital grant be made available by the Government, the Authority would review opportunities to bid against this.


The Chairman confirmed that the Strategy Group meeting would be an essential meeting for Members to understand the detail of the business case for the re?provision of Service Headquarters.


County Councillor Hennessy appreciated the work undertaken in the production of the Property Asset Management Plan.  However, she felt more information could be included regarding the availability of community facilities and flood risk.  In response, the Director of Corporate Services confirmed that the provision of community facilities was a challenge on some stations given space limitations.  He also advised that there were some stations in a flood risk area but it would be very challenging to relocate given the cost, the need to provide appropriate emergency response and in some cases the size of the flood risk area.


In response to a question from County Councillor O’Toole regarding whether any appeals had been submitted regarding the level of business rates payable, the Director of Corporate Services advised that a regular review was undertaken of the rateable values on all properties and there had been many occasions where these were successfully appealed.  


RESOLVED:-  That the Committee approved the Property Asset Management Plan, and noted the link between this and the capital and revenue budget of the Authority.

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