Agenda item


In December 2007, the Authority introduced the ‘Champion’ role.  These positions were currently filled by:


§    Equality and Diversity – Councillor Terry Aldridge

§    Older People – County Councillor Mark Perks

§    Environment – County Councillor Ken Brown

§    Road Safety – Councillor Fred Jackson


Reports relating to the activity of the Member Champions were provided on a regular basis to the Authority.  This report related to activity for the period up to August 2016.


During this period, all had undertaken their respective role in accordance with the defined terms of reference.  Their activity to date:-


Equality and Diversity – County Councillor Terry Aldridge

An Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy had been developed and implemented.  Further to the revision of the Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) process, 25 members of staff had attended briefings and a standard had been established in relation to the development of an EIA where a policy or a decision might impact on members of staff or the community.  A corporate mechanism for retaining the information had also been established.


Equality, diversity and inclusion were part of the many activities that Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) delivered.  Equality objectives had been established and linked to the development of the Annual Service Plan.  An equality, diversity and inclusion action plan had also been developed for 2016/2017 to demonstrate how the Service was progressing against the objectives.  Progress in relation to the equality objectives would be reported within the LFRS Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report to demonstrate how LFRS met its legal duties under the Public Sector Equality Duty. As part of the development of the new Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) equality objectives would be established based on the issues that had been identified through the Strategic Assessment of Risk.


The Absence Management Procedure had been revised and training on the implementation of the Procedure was due to commence in October 2016, the training included the implications of the Equality Act 2010 and the undertaking of stress risk assessment.  The Harassment and Bullying Policy and Grievance Procedure had also been revised and development for line managers would also take place during 2016/2017.


County Councillor Aldridge advised that 1 October 2016 was the International Day of Older Persons to campaign for elderly people and raise awareness of the difficulties and issues they faced.


Older People – County Councillor Mark Perks

The Older Person’s Member Champion, County Councillor Perks had actively worked across all Service Delivery areas.  Community Safety Teams in all Areas had been actively involved in working with dementia groups and a commitment had been made to attempt to train all of the public facing members of Lancashire Fire and Rescues Service staff as Dementia Friends.  To facilitate this task, each Area had a number of Dementia Champions who could roll out the awareness training, this would enable staff to ensure that the correct advice was given and useful actions were taken to aid those living with the condition.


County Councillor Perks advised that he had also attended the signing of a Dementia Pledge which supported mental health and mental wellbeing amongst staff and their families.


County Councillor Perks had also attended 2 North West Region Network meetings which had included presentations by Cheshire Fire Services on their work with the NHS to deliver in partnership home fire safety visits and some research undertaken by Dr Foulds on different types of dementia.


Road Safety – Councillor Fred Jackson

Since the last report, the Safe Drive Stay Alive (SDSA) multi-agency Road Safety Team had delivered the presentation to another 1000 students from Newman College at the Preston Charter Theatre and 250 Army personnel at Fulwood Barracks thereby making a total of 6400 people who had received this programme since November 2015.


Cllr Jackson commended the Safe Drive Stay Alive and the dates for forthcoming events were noted.  Funding (£3000) has been secured from the Ribble Valley Community Safety Partnership in support of Safe Drive Stay Alive programme. Communications were currently taking place with both Stoneyhurst College and Clitheroe Grammar school with regards to a venue and student attendance at a future event. 


On Sunday 31st July, LFRS hosted their first ‘Biker Down’ course, supported by instructors from Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service and RoSPA.  The course was held at Clitheroe Fire Station, those in attendance were from a local biker club alongside bikers from LFRS.  The course is aimed at motorcyclists of all ages and experience.  Itoffers people the chance to learn practical skills to help avoid being involved in a crash, as well as essential first-aid training and advice on what to do should they find themselves first on the scene of a crash where someone is injured.


Councillor Khan highlighted community concerns around road safety in Blackburn querying whether a multi-agency task group could be set up to look at ways of preventing accidents on the road.  The Assistant Chief Fire Officer confirmed that there was a Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety Group with representatives from local authorities, highways agencies and other partners who had recently recruited a Road Safety Co-ordinator post to improve co-ordination.  It was agreed that this would be looked at further outside the meeting.


Environment – County Councillor Ken Brown

The Carbon Management Team continued to look at ways to reduce carbon emissions across Service premises and to deliver savings. Against the target of 40% reduction by 2020 from a 2007/08 baseline the target achieved so far was 22%. This equated to a reduction of 976 tonnes of carbon emissions from Lancashire Fire & Rescue Services premises and fleet activities and a cost saving of £510,000.


Current projects included:


·        Replacement of smaller more energy efficient water cylinder and hot water storage tanks at Service Headquarters and Service Training Centre;

·        Installation of new condensing heating and hot water system at Carnforth Fire Station;

·        Replacement central heating boiler system at Padiham Fire Station;

·        Installation of Solar PhotoVoltaic panels and condensing boiler as part of refurbishment / new build at Lancaster Fire Station;

·        Enhancing the heating control management systems on stations.


RESOLVED: - That the Authority note the report and acknowledge the work of the Member Champions.

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