Agenda and minutes

Venue: Washington Hall, Service Training Centre, Euxton

Contact: Diane Brooks  Principal Member Services Officer

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman


The Clerk advised that a gentleman from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) was expected to attend the meeting but he had been delayed due to traffic difficulties which could mean that item 15 would need to be considered later on the agenda.


The Clerk invited nominations for the appointment of Chairman and County Councillor De Molfetta was nominated for 2018/19.  No further nominations were received. 


RESOLVED: - That County Councillor De Molfetta be appointed Chairman of the Combined Fire Authority (CFA) for 2018/19.


Appointment of Vice-Chairman


The Chairman invited nominations for the appointment of Vice-Chairman and County Councillor Parkinson was nominated for 2018/19.  No further nominations were received. 


RESOLVED: - That County Councillor Parkinson be appointed Vice-Chairman of the CFA for 2018/19.


Chairman's Welcome and Introduction


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Simon Blackburn from Blackpool Council to the Authority who had replaced Councillor Debbie Coleman and introductions were made.  On behalf of the Authority, the Chairman gave thanks to Debbie for her contribution to the work of the Authority during the past year. 


Composition of the Combined Fire Authority pdf icon PDF 56 KB


RESOLVED: - That the Composition approved by the 3 Constituent Authorities for 2018/19 for the Combined Fire Authority be noted and endorsed, and the new Member appointed by Blackpool Council to serve on the CFA for 2018/19 be welcomed.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from: County Councillors: E Oades and D O’Toole and Councillor T Williams.


Disclosure of Pecuniary and non-Pecuniary Interests

Members are asked to consider any pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests they may have to disclose to the meeting in relation to matters under consideration on the Agenda.


None received.


Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees pdf icon PDF 59 KB


The Chairman, County Councillor De Molfetta presented the proposed Chairmen and Vice?Chairmen for the Authority's Committees.  He also confirmed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Strategy Group were the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Authority.



(1) That in accordance with Standing Order 5.1(b) of the Authority, the following members be appointed as Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees of the CFA for 2018/19.


(i)  Appeals                      Chairman             County Councillor L Beavers

                                          Vice-Chairman    County Councillor G Wilkins


(ii)  Audit                           Chairman             County Councillor M Tomlinson

                                          Vice-Chairman    County Councillor J Shedwick


(iii)  Performance            Chairman             County Councillor S Holgate

                                          Vice-Chairman    Councillor M Khan


(iv)  Planning                    Chairman             County Councillor M Parkinson

                                          Vice-Chairman    Councillor F Jackson        


(v)  Resources                 Chairman             County Councillor F De Molfetta

                                          Vice-Chairman    County Councillor N Hennessy


(2)  That Councillor D Smith be appointed as Chairman and County Councillor I Brown be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Member Training and Development Working Group for 2018/19.


(3) That County Councillor D O'Toole be appointed as Chairman of the Injury Pensions Sub-Committee for 2018/19.


(4) That the Authority confirmed appointment of the following four Member Champions for 2018/19:-


·        Community Safety - County Councillor Mark Perks;

·        Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Councillor Zamir Khan;

·        Health & Wellbeing - County Councillor Tony Martin;

·        Road Safety - Councillor F Jackson.


Representation on Outside Bodies 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The Authority is requested to determine its representation on outside bodies for the 2018/19 municipal year.



i)       That the County Councillor F De Molfetta, Chairman of the Authority is authorised to cast the Authority’s vote at the LGA Annual General Assembly;

ii)     That County Councillors F De Molfetta and M Parkinson (as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Authority) be appointed to the Local Government Association Fire Commission;

iii)    That County Councillor De Molfetta, Chairman of the Authority can authorise additional representation(s) to either the LGA Fire Commission or the Fire Services Management Committee as appropriate;

iv)    That 2 members of the Labour Group and 1 member of the Conservative Group (County Councillors F De Molfetta, M Parkinson and D O’Toole, as Chairman, Vice-Chairman and main Opposition Spokesperson) be appointed to serve as representatives on the North West Fire Forum for 2018/19.

v)      That County Councillors F De Molfetta and M Parkinson (as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Authority) be appointed as North West Fire Control Directors for 2018/19.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 109 KB


RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the CFA held on 23 April 2018 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Programme of Meetings for 2018/19 and 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 65 KB


RESOLVED: -   That:


(i)            the proposed programme of meetings for the Combined Fire Authority for 2018/19 and 2019/20 be agreed as: - 



17 September 2018

17 December 2018

18 February 2019 (Budget Meeting)



29 April 2019

17 June 2019 (Annual Meeting of the CFA)

16 September 2019

16 December 2019


24 February 2020 (Budget Meeting)


(ii)          to delegate approval to undertake consultation on the budget to the Chairman in consultation with the Treasurer and the Chief Fire Officer.


Minutes of Meeting, 11 April 2018 of North West Fire Forum pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The Chairman advised that of note from the meeting, Councillor Hanratty had announced his retirement and would be standing down as Chairman of the North West Fire Forum; and that item 9 referred to Police and Crime Commissioner takeover of Fire and Rescue Authorities.  Unanimous support was given to support the status quo at Lancashire and a letter confirming this had been sent to Clive Grunshaw, Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner.


RESOLVED: - That the Authority note the contents of the report.


Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 25 April 2018 of Member Training & Development Working Group pdf icon PDF 40 KB


RESOLVED: - That the proceedings of the Member Training & Development Working Group held on 25 April 2018 be noted and endorsed.


Minutes of meeting Monday, 21 May 2018 of Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 117 KB


RESOLVED: - That the proceedings of the Resources Committee held on 21 May 2018 be noted and endorsed.


Collaboration Update

Oral report.


The Chief Fire Officer presented the report.  At the last meeting a paper was presented on the progress of collaboration with the Police, building on that and to ensure a common understanding he advised that on 24 April 2018 the Chairman, himself and the Deputy Chief Fire Officer attended a presentation at the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office at Lancashire County Council.  The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) advised that he had been considering a range of options regarding whether to pursue taking on the responsibilities of the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) and he would be producing a collaboration options report and making a decision after the pre-election period, purdah. 


On 4 May or 8 May 2018 the PCC and his office approved the development of a business case to bring Police and Fire governance together and the Authority was notified.


On 16 May 2018 a clear response was sent by the Chairman pointing out that the detail presented in the options report fell well short and there were flaws in the report which made it difficult to comment.  The PCCs response confirmed he would proceed with the formation of a draft business case.


On 24 May 2018 the Chairman confirmed a willingness to inform the development of a business case however, he expressed concerns regarding the capacity of officers as the Service prepared itself for a visit by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Service (HMICFRS) particularly given it would be the same people required to contribute to the business case as were preparing for the Inspection.


The CFA position throughout was that it remained confident that the current arrangements delivered the best for Lancashire and it believed that LFRS was already effectively progressing collaborative opportunities within existing structures.  For example, effective collaboration was already taking place with Lancashire County Council and the district authorities, working across the county partaking in safe and well visits, early action hubs had been established and there were information sharing agreements in place that supported the most vulnerable members of the public.


Prior to the legal obligation to collaborate LFRS worked effectively with other blue light services: -


·        sharing premises with both the Police and North West Ambulance Service;

·        responding to medical emergencies on behalf of the Ambulance Service - as part of a National Joint Council and Fire Brigades Union approved pilot which meant taking an extra 600 – 900 calls per year;

·        collaboration with the Police and responding on their behalf to gain entry at incidents where the Ambulance Service required access to casualties; and

·        using the drone to assist in the location of missing persons.


The Service was also being proactive and a Statement of Intent for enhanced collaboration had been signed with 32 opportunities under consideration, as presented to the Planning Committee.  Any new areas of collaboration were considered on a case-by-case basis before the commitment of any resources with any significant capacity requirements referred to the Authority. 


The Authority had invested in its  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14/18


Strengthening and Improving Our Retained Service: Retained Support Officers - One Year On pdf icon PDF 86 KB


The Assistant Chief Fire Officer introduced Area Manager, Jon Charters who gave a presentation on how the Authority’s additional investment of £600k in 2016/17 had been used to support the ambition to improve pump availability, fire fighter safety and incentivise staff.  £300k was for the Retained Duty Salary Review and the remaining £300k enabled the introduction of 7 Retained Support Officer (RSO) posts to support the current challenges associated with running an effective and sustainable RDS Unit and thereby improving recruitment, retention, appliance availability, training, gathering of operational risk information, liaison with administrative support and enhanced staff engagement.


The RSO role went live in May 2017.  It was recognised that the RSO role was potentially a demanding one that required self-starting individuals, prepared to work hard across a broad skill set with relatively high levels of lone working and role independence.  Reciprocally job satisfaction and reward would be high.  The roles were aligned to the day duty system but flexible to meet needs with priorities identified to: drive and shape recruitment; support development; improve staff retention and build relationships. 


Support was provided by the RSOs to the recruitment process through: engagement with primary employers, increasing positive action to attract more female and black and minority ethnic (BME) recruits, being innovative and supporting individuals through their transition from the recruits’ course to working on a station. 


During the last 12 months there had been an increase in the numbers of recruits with the course held November 2017 generating 84 applications.  Twenty-eight commenced the recruits’ course of which 24 successfully passed.  The RSOs would continue to work with those individuals who needed extra training and development to sustain their interest for the next recruitment campaign.


Work progressed during the 2017/18 strengthening and improving programme included the development of: a Primary Employer engagement package, a ‘Duty System Awareness’ LearnPro module, and a supported and time bound approach to completion of ‘Firefighter Development’ activity.  New work for 2018/19 included: exploring the potential to develop a multi-faceted support role, prevention activity for RDS, strengthening the provision of risk information to staff, establishing a Rota Management Working Group and RDS Gartan Rota Workshops.


In response to a question raised by CC Shedwick, AM Charters confirmed that wherever possible, there was joint training where wholetime staff were working on a retained station.


In response to a question raised by CC Parkinson, AM Charters advised that recruitment work centred on local gyms given the fitness requirements of the role.  Potential candidates were invited to ‘have a go’ days and support was given to individuals by the RSOs for the entry tests and to maintain their level of fitness.  In addition, the Service provided its own Physical Training Instructors.


In response to a question raised by CC Hennessy regarding documented outcomes from the priorities around: recruitment, development, staff retention and building relationships, the Assistant Chief Fire Officer confirmed that detailed information could be provided outside the meeting on numbers attending ‘have a go days’ right through to recruitment and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15/18


Safety Health and Environment Annual Review 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Additional documents:


The Authority considered the Safety, Health and Environment Annual Review Report for Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service covering the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.


As the body with ultimate responsibility for staff health, safety and environmental compliance it was important that all CFA Members were aware of performance in this respect. The report therefore provided a summary of key actions, overall progress and outturn performance in respect of accidents and near misses and carbon emissions, together with a look forward.


The report summarised the arrangements in place to deliver the Service's Health and Safety Policy and provided a summary of health, safety and environment performance data.  It included the reporting on occupational safety, health and environmental issues that had arisen during the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.


The Director of People and Development was pleased to report that the Service had again seen a very positive year in terms of overall safety, health and environment performance.  During 2011/12 the Service was successful in gaining certification to International Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001:2007) and Environmental (ISO 14001:2004) standards and the Service had been recertified without any non-conformance.  Complimentary comments had been received from the auditor with one opportunity for improvement in relation to documentation identified.  Page 65 of the document pack identified examples of improvements actions carried out during 2017/18 of which the Director of People and Development highlighted:


·        The Service continued to embed improvements in fitness with further development of the mandatory fitness testing for operational staff and provision of fitness equipment on stations;

·        An application for iPads to assist fire crews in capturing key information to further embed the Operational Assurance Framework to learn from incidents and operational activity was developed;

·        Distress Management and Self-care training had been delivered to all staff;

·        Improved PPE was provided for attending incidents;

·        A training programme had commenced using the nearly built multi-compartment firefighting prop;

·        A programme had commenced to implement National Operational Guidance;

·        The role of the Retained Support Officer was being embedded through the Strengthening and Improving of our RDS programme; and

·        Improved arrangements for staff who carried out lone working.


During 2017/18 there were 79 accidents, 98 near misses and 14 RIDOR events.  A comparison against previous performance showed the continued reduction of accidents and positive increase in near miss reporting.


A Carbon Management Plan agreed by the Resources Committee in March 2009 included a visionary target of 40% carbon emission reduction by March 2020.  The Service had achieved an overall reduction of 20% by March 2018 which equated to 878 tonnes of CO2; this delivered savings to date of £644k.  Work would continue to improve this area.


The Director of People and Development advised that a lot of work had been done to improve the health and wellbeing of the workforce to ensure that those who worked for the Service were: engaged, motivated, healthy, resilient and returned to work quickly following absence.  A Health and Wellbeing at Work Improvement Plan had been developed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16/18


Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) - Progress Towards Inspection - Update Briefing 2 pdf icon PDF 100 KB


This item was considered later on the agenda in order to enable Dave Dryburgh, Service Liaison Lead (Cumbria, Lancashire & Merseyside) from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) to be present.  Mr Dryburgh was introduced by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer and welcomed by the Authority. 


Mr Dryburgh advised that the inspection would be a week of field work commencing on 9 July 2018.  A strategic briefing would take place on 25 June 2018 which involved Executive Board members presenting to the HMICFRS followed by a meeting with the CFA Chairman.  Leading up to that was a data analysis exercise that looked at strategic documents from the Service to get an understanding of how LFRS operated, delivered services and looked after staff; cross-checking the Service was doing what it said it was. 


The inspection was under the 3 pillars of:


·        Effectiveness: how effective is the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) at keeping people safe and secure from fire and other risks?

·        Efficiency: how efficient is the FRS at keeping people safe and secure from fire and other risks?

·        People: how well does the FRS look after its people?


The inspection would consider:


·        How well understood was the Service’s grasp of data?

·        What prevention measures were taken?

·        Community fire safety;

·        What protection measures were in place?

·        How good was the Service at responding to fires and other risks?

·        The Service’s use of resources now and in the future;

·        Were services being delivered in line with its values?

·        How well trained were staff?

·        Equality, Diversity and Leadership – was the Service delivering leaders for the future?


The first 2 days would be spent with staff on the ground and AM Tony Crook had kindly developed a plan that involved the opportunity to speak to staff on every duty system.  Then the inspection team would speak to Senior Managers in the Service.  Taken all together the Service was then graded as either: Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate.  A final report could be expected in the winter along with the other 14 Fire Services being inspected in the first tranche.


In response to a question from CC Hennessy regarding the timing of feedback, Mr Dryburgh advised that there would be a meeting on the Friday morning of the inspection week with the Chief Fire Officer to give brief formal feedback against the 3 pillars then further feedback would be with AM Crook.  Mr Dryburgh confirmed that the relationship would be maintained with the Service going forward.


RESOLVED: - That the Authority noted and endorsed the report.


Policy of Dealing with Habitual and Vexatious Complaints - Annual Update pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Additional documents:


At its meeting held 20 June 2016 the Authority adopted a formal Policy on Dealing with Habitual and Vexatious Complaints (resolution 13/16 refers) which was fair and proportionate, yet which did not prevent genuine complaints from being properly investigated and fair and equitable outcomes promulgated, as now presented. 


On an annual basis the Clerk and Chief Fire Officer reviewed the status of complainants judged to be unreasonably persistent or vexatious and report this to the Authority.  In addition, each year the Clerk reviewed the Policy.  This year’s review concluded that the effectiveness of the Policy was demonstrable, accordingly the Policy remained appropriate, proportionate and effective to the needs of Members, Officers and staff.


During the previous 12 months there had been no complainants who were judged to be unreasonably persistent or vexatious.  Those individuals who had previously given cause for concern over 12 months could no longer be regarded as vexatious and habitual complainants and they would be informed in writing of their change of status, in open correspondence from the Clerk, in due course.


RESOLVED: - That the report be noted and endorsed.


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


As lead officer for the Service, the Chief Fire Officer presented the report on behalf of Councillor Zamir Khan, Member Champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 


In the exercise of its functions, the Equality Act required the Service to have due regard to:


·        Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the law;

·        Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not; and

·        Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


This Equality Duty was supported by 2 main specific duties which required public bodies to publish equality information at least annually and set and publish equality objectives at least every 4 years.


The Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report, as now presented, documented the Service’s performance in relation to meeting its legal duties over the year 2017 – 2018, the workforce profile as at 31 March 2018 and future plans for the Service 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019.


RESOLVED: - That the Authority noted and endorsed the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report and agreed the Action Plan for 2018/19.


Organisational Development Plan pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of People and Development, Liz Sandiford presented the report.  The Organisational Development Plan, as now presented set out the Service’s approach to technical training, formal qualifications, continuous professional development, leadership and management development, looking at what was achieved last year and what was planned for the next 12 months.


The Service recognised the importance of leadership as a driver for organisational improvement and managing change to support its aim of making Lancashire safer.  Central to the development of leadership capability are the LFRS values (Service, Trust, Respect, Integrity, Valued and Empowered) which sit at the heart of all leadership principles and underpin all communication and implementation activity associated with leadership. 


The Service had embarked on an approach to leadership development utilising the guiding principles of organisational leadership which supported different ways of working to understand, develop and display effective leadership driving values and desired behaviours.


RESOLVED: - That the Authority noted and endorsed the Organisational Development Plan 2017-19.


Fire Protection Reports pdf icon PDF 78 KB


A report detailing prosecutions in respect of fire safety management failures and arson related incidents within the period 1 April 2018 to 1 June 2018 was provided. 


There were no recent prosecutions cases reported under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 however a number of investigations were taking place which may lead to prosecution.


Five cases of arson convictions were reported during the period. 


In addition, protection and business support information included:


·        that Dame Judith Hackitt had published an independent review of building regulations and fire safety following the Grenfell tragedy.  The report set out over 50 recommendations for government to enable a more robust regulatory system for the future;

·        details of a successful prevention and protection seminar that had taken place in May 2018; and

·        an update on the Primary Authority Scheme.


As part of the report, the Deputy Chief Fire Officer introduced Area Manager Tony Crook to present a case of interest that demonstrated partnership working.


AM Crook advised that under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 Fire and Rescue Services had a legal duty to enforce in the common areas of all residential accommodation (which did not form a single private dwelling); and under the Housing Act 2004, the Local Authority enforced fire safety standards, having regard to relevant fire safety documents published by government and in accordance with any guidance jointly agreed with the Fire and Rescue Authority.


In addition to re-inspections under the risk based fire safety inspection programme, Fire Safety Departments also had responsibility for: statutory consultations, promoting fire safety, responding to requests for advice and investigating complaints.


With finite resources, work undertaken by inspecting officers was prioritised as follows:


·        reducing the immediate risk of very serious injury to persons;

·        enforcement action in support of the above (including preparing prosecutions);

·        other enforcement notices and action plans;

·        follow up inspections prior to the expiry of time limits on enforcement notices;

·        responding to statutory consultations within agreed timescale in an appropriate manner;

·        completing the re-inspection programme;

·        follow up inspections to examine progress against enforcement;

·        targeted inspections;

·        sample inspections;

·        all other activities, including the promotion of fire safety general fire safety advice and business support.


In response to a question raised by CC Shedwick, AM Crook confirmed that the Service received thousands of requests for advice from partners and members of the public which was why it was important to prioritise. 


Actions undertaken to reduce risk included: close liaison with other enforcing authorities, rehousing of residents, prohibition of premises, additional measures to reduce risks to residents, prosecution of responsible persons, further enforcement action and support of prosecutions by other enforcing authorities.


AM Crook presented a case study of Keirby Hotel, Burnley where following a complaint a multi-agency inspection took place and serious concerns over health and safety, specifically fire safety were identified.  This resulted in a prohibition notice being served by the Fire Service and Local Authority Housing.  The permanent residents that were housed in the Hotel had been moved into short term and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21/18


Community Fire Safety Reports pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


This report included information for the 2 Unitary and 12 District Authorities relating to Fire Safety Initiatives and Fires and Incidents of particular interest.


As part of the report, the Assistant Chief Fire Officer introduced Firefighter Dave Byers who had led a planning team on what was probably one of the most complex and technically difficult exercises done in recent years.  Exercise Daytripper – was based on tragic events in Peru.  The scenario was a tour bus containing 30-40 people that had lost control and gone over a mountain pass to rest on a ledge below.  The incident presented significant issues for responders accessing, treating, extricating and repatriating casualties due to its proximity to the shoreline and its vertical faces.  The exercise was 6 months in the planning including attending numerous site visits to enabled accurate and relevant information for risk assessments to be gathered for all agencies.  The exercise involved over 90 responders and volunteers, over 30 rescues which included 6 located by the search dogs and involved 10 hours of activity at a cost to the service of £3,782.


RESOLVED: - That the Authority noted and endorsed the report.


Member Complaints (Standing Item)

Oral report.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that there had been no complaints since the last meeting.


RESOLVED: - That the current position be noted.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Authority will be held on Monday 17 September 2018 at 1000 hours at Washington Hall Training Centre, Euxton.


The next meeting of the Authority would be held on Monday 17 September 2018 at 10:00am at the Training Centre, Euxton.