Agenda and minutes

Venue: Main Conference Room, Service Headquarters, Fulwood

Contact: Diane Brooks,  Principal Member Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Khan and County Councillor N Hennessy.


Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

Members are asked to consider any pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests they may have to disclose to the meeting in relation to matters under consideration on the agenda.


None received.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 78 KB


RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the last meeting held on 17 July 2017 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Emergency Cover Review 2017 - Consultation Outcomes pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Members received a presentation from Area Manager Ben Norman on the Emergency Cover Review Process 2017 which had been summarised in the report as now presented.

At the Combined Fire Authority (CFA) meeting on 17 July 2017 Members endorsed the publication of the Emergency Cover Review (ECR) proposals for a 12-week consultation period on the basis of: i) A no change ECR for 2017-20 with regards to LFRS’s 58 Fire Appliances and the associated crewing arrangements; ii) The principle that Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service extend its collaborative response arrangements; and iii) Pre-alerting as a policy position, including the commissioning of further work to identify the potential benefits of a Dynamic Cover Tool.


Government recommended that the scope of the consultation should be proportionate to the nature and extent of any changes proposed, whilst the public would be naturally most interested in those aspects that impinged directly on the service provided to them and any perceived impact upon their safety.  Consideration was given to the Authority’s Public Consultation Strategy to ensure that the consultation exercise for this Emergency Cover Review was duly conducted in accordance with the agreed approach.


Due to the nature of the proposals outlined the approach of undertaking in?depth public consultation such as county?wide forums had not been adopted. Nor was there a detailed staff consultation in the form of working groups / presentations. This was because whilst there were recommendations to support changes to mobilising and working practices, this ECR in the main supported a no change proposal in terms of our fire appliances, special appliances and associated crewing arrangements.


The Consultation Process


Emergency Cover Review 2017 – Timetable

Draft ECR proposals approved and proposed consultation process endorsed.

CFA Planning Committee 17th July 2017

Consultation with the community, staff and other interested parties.

19th July 2017 – 10th October 2017

Consultation report and final recommendations to Planning Committee.

CFA Planning Committee 27th November 2017

ECR Proposals presented for final approval.

Full CFA meeting 18th December  2017

Feedback on final outcomes


January 2018


Consultation commenced on 19th July 2017 and ran for a twelve week period.  Opinion on the proposals within the ECR was sought from a wide range of stakeholders digitally, with proposals cascaded through our website, social media and via email and letters.


The following were consulted:



All LFRS Staff

Office of the PCC

All County Councillors

National Fire Chiefs Council

All Unitary/District Councillors

Lancashire Resilience Forum

CEO’s of all District & Unitary Authorities

MP’s and North West MEP’s

CEO of Lancashire County Council

Parish Councils

Combined Fire Authority Members

Representative Bodies

Chief Fire Officers (NW Region)

North West Fire Control

Lancashire Constabulary

NW Ambulance Service

Other Miscellaneous



During the consultation period on behalf of the CFA, the views of stakeholders were sought with the opportunity provided to consider the ECR proposals and to express an opinion on the changes. The majority of communication was done via email with a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12/17


AT-Stinger (Water Tower Vehicle) pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Fire Officer updated Members on the results of an evaluation of a new Fire Appliance which incorporated a Water Tower function.  It was noted that the vehicle had been supported (between LFRS and Rosenbauer) throughout its design and operation. 


The vehicle, known as the AT?Stinger had been on trial for 33 weeks and had operated as one of Blackburn Fire Station’s appliances.  The appliance acted as a standard frontline fire appliance but had the additional capability of providing a water tower function.  Other features included a piercing branch and a far larger pumping capability.  The increased capacity and remote operation had provided significant advancements in operational capability and improved firefighter safety.  The trial had been well received by operational staff who had both utilised the appliance and contributed to its evaluation and development.  Currently the aerial capability was delivered by 4 Aerial Ladder Appliances (ALPs) alternatively crewed according to demand.  The AT?Stinger appliance would complement this capability whilst having the added advantage of being permanently crewed.


Given the lease on the existing water tower ran out this year it was proposed to purchase within the current financial year from capital.  The cost of purchasing the existing leased vehicle was £0.4m which could be met from either an additional in?year revenue contribution to the capital programme or from capital reserves.  Individual appliance costs were noted as: ALP £0.6m, WT £0.5m, Standard Fire Appliance £0.2m.  The net additional capital expenditure (subject to the preferred option) was approximately £0.8m.  This could be borne through existing capital budgets alongside appropriate adjustments to the Fleet Assessment Management Plan.


Two options were discussed with regard to the number of appliances and their disposition: -


1.   Purchase 2 AT?Stinger appliances and replace the standard existing fire appliances at Blackburn and Skelmersdale (as part of the fleet asset management plan).  This option provided an enhanced aerial capability of 2 Water Towers and 4 ALPs;


2.   Purchase 3 AT?Stinger appliances and replace the standard existing fire appliances at Blackburn, Skelmersdale and Nelson (as part of the fleet asset management plan and acknowledging the ability to extend the life of the 2004 ALP.  This option provided an enhanced aerial capability of 3 Water Towers and 4 ALPs.


It was proposed and unanimously


RESOLVED: - That option 1 to: Purchase 2 AT?Stinger appliances and replace the standard existing Fire Appliances at Blackburn and Skelmersdale (as part of the fleet asset management plan) providing an enhanced aerial capability of 2 Water Towers and 4 ALPs be approved; including that the option to purchase a further AT-Stinger Appliance be reviewed after 12 months.


Date of Next Meeting

The next scheduled meeting of the Committee has been agreed for 10:00 hours on 19 March 2018 in the Main Conference Room, at Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service Headquarters, Fulwood.


Further meetings are:           scheduled for 16 July 2018 and

                                                proposed for 26 November 2018


The next meeting of the Committee would be held on Monday 19 March 2018, at 1000 hours in the main Conference Room at Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters, Fulwood.


Further meeting dates were noted for 16 July 2018 and agreed for 26 November 2018.